Fitting a Halti Dog Collar

Excellent video from the expertVillage team on fitting your Halti Head collar.

The Halti Dog Harness

Finding it difficult to lead your dog when out and about? Is your dog taking you for a walk? Then a Halti harness may be the solution for you! The Halti is designed to provide far greater control over your dog’s movement whilst neutralising their ability to pull you along. 

The Halti harness is ideal for controlling larger or more energetic dogs that strain at the lead. As the Halti attaches from the front with a harness around shoulders and chest you can steer your pet with a gentle pull. A dual lead connects to both shoulder and chest so that rather than jerking at a traditional lead you can now direct your pet calmly with greatly reduced force and effort leading to a far less stressful experience for both dog and owner.